When I knew that this book is about a brave and strong woman from its cover, I became shocked about the name of this book. If it is about a brave woman then why it’s named “The Witch Of The Portobello”?

It is written by the popular Brazilian author Paulo Coelho. It is an inspirational and sensational book. It is about the divine power of a woman who is strong and brave. So, it is also a spiritual book. Especially, the author has written about a mysterious woman who finds out the truth while finding herself. Her name is Athena.

There was a couple in Beruit. They had no children. They tried to get a child using many ways and ideas but they failed. So, they adopted a little babygirl who was barely three months old. They named her Athena.

Athena was a little bit abnormal from other children. She had seen a young woman dressed in white like virgin Mary at a very young age. She had found already about the war that was going to be dangerous. Their city(Beruit) was captured by other cities. So, they came to London.

Athena started to go to college. She was reading well. She knew that she was adopted and she desired to marry and have a baby at the age of 19. So, she married her senior who was 20 years old. She gave birth to a boy and named Viorel. Unfortunately, they got divorced after some time due to many problems and misunderstandings.

She earned a lot of money by working at a bank which was enough to stay for more than three years without doing anything. She became independent. However, she was dissatisfied and unstable. She uses to think that she has a destiny. So, she was busy on finding herself and learning many things.

She learned calligraphy from the desert man and she realized something missing in blank spaces. Then, she started to search for her birth mother and she met her in Transylvania. She knew that she was the daughter of a gypsy. She returned home and started to work at the theatre. The great mother(Goddess) started to talk through her and she tells about what is going on in their life to the people of that theatre. Then her short horoscope of people became true.

Many people started to come to meet Hagia Sofia(Athena). Some people called her the Witch of Portobello. She uses to talk about love, truth, freedom, feminine, etc. She was very brave. She was doing everything without any fear because she knew that what she was doing is right for everyone. She was interested in dance. She taught many people to dance and enjoy every moment of life.

I think I got my answer. In my opinion, she was a goddess. She steps out of the limits made by society. She had her own principles, own statements, and her own lifestyle. Her way of enjoying was also different and unique from others. She was teaching us about our sacred powers which are connected with the earth. But it was abnormal and unusual for our society, especially for women. So, she was being called The Witch Of Portobello instead of Goddess.

It is an interesting book. I love this book very much. Maybe I think you also liked by reading its summary. If you read this book, you will enjoy it and know about the meaning of life.

There are many quotes in this book that can inspire you to do something and enjoy yours now. Some of my favorite quotes are as follows:-

People who are on spiritual quest don’t think, they simply want results.

An encounter with the superior energy is open to anyone but remains far from those who shift responsibility onto others.

Our time on earth is sacred and we should celebrate every moment.

Everything moves and everything moves to a rhythm. And everything that moves to a rhythm creates a sound.

When we step out of our normal world and leave behind us all the usual barriers and prejudice, we tend to become more adventurous.

Re-program yourself every minute of each day with thoughts that make you grow. When you’re feeling irritated or confused, try to laugh yourself. Laugh at your worries and insecurities.

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