The diary of a young girl is a useful and wonderful book. It is written by Anne Frank which is based on the story of Second World War. She has written in this diary about the Secret Annex (a house) where they had hidden more than two years. It is a quite beautiful and historical diary.

World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. This diary has been written from 1941 to 1944. Specifically, it talks about how the common people had survived from that dangerous war. At that time, Adolf Hitler (Nazi leader) had declared the holocaust of Jews in Germany. Anne Frank was also a Jew so that they were hiding in the Secret Annex in Holland.

Anne Frank was a beautiful, creative, and lovely girl. She was living with her sister Margot and her parents. But when they came to the Secret Annex, they started to live with their neighbours and relatives. She was 13 years old, and her sister Margot was 16 years old when they came to the Secret Annex. There were four members in her family. Her hobby was to read historical and mythical books.

The Secret Annex was at the corner of Holland. Anne’s father had his own business but after declaration of holocaust of Jews, his business was shut down. The Annex was one of the offices of Otto Frank (Anne’s father) of his business. It was huge and it had many rooms inside it. They were living on the second floor of this house. Their door was behind the cupboard so that normally people couldn’t know that door.

They were living more than 10 people in the Secret Annex. All things were insufficient. Although some relatives were helping them to buy foods, there were only potatoes and beans in the name of vegetables. They had to eat in the limit and on time.

The annex was completely quiet and secret. It had to be like there were no living beings. Thus, they used to talk softly and walk slowly. They had to use the toilet in the time without any noise. Sometimes they couldn’t even flush the toilet.

There had been a huge and dangerous war outside the Annex. They were even unable to open the windows. Because of falling bombs on the roof of Annex, they used to be very scared. So, they used to cry silently. Due to the noise, they were unable to sleep well at night. They had a radio in which they used to listen the daily news about situation of country. Nazis were looking for Jews every day. Sometime, police used knock their door. It used to make them very much scared.

Despite of these obstacles, Anne was writing her daily diary. She wanted to be a writer or journalist. She wanted to talk with her friends, but she was not allowed to. Her favourite person was her father in her family, but he was also busy and in a bad mood to talk with him. She used to enjoy the nature. She had many things in her mind to express but there was none. It was one of the reasons that motivated her to write a diary. She named her diary Kitty.

Kitty was her best friend that she could tell her everything. She used to tell her Kitty what was happening in her life day by day. She used to write not only about her bad situation but also about her funny activities. She used to like Peter (her neighbour) who was living together with them. He was three years older than Anne. According to Anne, he was a handsome and gentle boy.

Peter used to talk rarely because of his parent’s daily fight. He had also no friends to talk to. After a few months, Anne and Peter became best friends. They used to talk about themselves and plans after the war. Anne was very happy with Peter. But her father didn’t like their friendship.

Sometimes, there used to be fun because elder people used to talk about their childhood memories, some kind of jokes, stories that they know. But after some time, those used to turn out to be very irritating things because of repetition. More than one year, they lived happily but after then, there started to be shortage of basic things like reading a table, clothes, foods, etc. So, they started to blame each other.

After two years of living in Annex, the war was going to stop. So, they were a bit happy. They were listening to daily news with the hope of relief and freedom. Anne was making some plans that she was going to do after the war. Some public places had been forbidden for Jews before the war so that Anne was feeling unlucky of being a Jew. She used to weep thinking that they (Jews) are not human beings.

They had been hiding very consciously and secretly. Unfortunately, Nazis knew that they were hiding inside Annex. They came and ordered to follow them. They cried and pleased them to leave them, but nothing happened. Anne wanted to take her diary with her, but she couldn’t.

After they reached in jail. Nazi soldiers separated female, male, father, mother, child, friend from each other. There weren’t only Anne’s family, there were more than a thousand Jews in the jail. Nazis ordered male and female to do different works without any food and water.

After one month, Anne’s mother died because of starvation. Her father was sent to another place. Anne and Margot were sent to the concentration camp. Because of Typhus fever, more than 60 Jews died including Margot and Anne. Anne died after a few days of Margot’s death. She died before a few days of her sixteenth birthday. At last, her father survived. He published this book after he returned from camp. He made Anne’s dream come true.

In conclusion, this diary tells about the holocaust and the situation of Jews at that time. We can call it a historical book. It encourages to write our daily diary in which we can write everything we think and we like.

You are always loved and never forgotten. May your soul rest in peace, Anne and who had died at the time of holocaust!

Paper has more patience than people, that’s why my diary is my best friend. -Anne Frank

Dead people receive more flowers than living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude. -Anne Frank

I keep my ideals because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. -Anne Frank

Thank you for reading ЁЯЩВ

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