‘My father is the best father of the world’

‘Karnali Blues’ is a Nepali word which means difficulties and pains of the Karnali region. Karnali region lies in the western part of Nepal which is a less developed region of Nepal in the comparison of other regions.

Karnali Blues is a wonderful and inspirational book which is written by the popular Nepali writer Buddisagar. He has written about the struggle of a father who wants to make his children extraordinary from others. So, it is the story of Brishbahadur (son) and Harshabahadur (father) related to the life of the Karnali inhabitants’.

Actually, in the Terai part of the Karnali region, there is not a stable life of people. The home, family, education, health, and all depends upon the season, politics, business, culture, trend, and other situations. Most people of this region are uneducated. They believe in superstitious. There are low quality schools and health posts. That’s why people of the Karnali region migrate from one place to another place all over the year.

Brishbahadur’s family were living in the Matera village. There were four members in his family. Harshabahadur (father) was a pharmacist in the village. He was a very intelligent and educated person. He wanted to make his children educated and independent. So, he was sending his son (Brishbahadur) and his daughter (Parvati) to school by working very hard.

Brishbahadur was not good at study. He had failed two times in class 4. He always used to create many problems to his father but his father had never beaten him for that. Although their family was a middle-class family, his father used to buy and give him everything that he wanted and wished like a bicycle, cap, watch, etc. He loved him very much. So, he used to think that his father is the best father in the world.

Their house uses to lick in rain. So, they migrated to Katase. They lived there until their business stopped. Although Harshabahadur wanted to make her daughter (Parvati) an educated and independent woman she married herself. Then, they migrated again to Kalikot. His parents were growing old. Harshabahadur couldn’t work anymore at the pharmacy. So, they opened a small clothe shop.

His mother always wanted to build a perfect house that doesn’t lick even in the heavy rain. So, they were working hard to earn more money. Brishbahadur passed his SLC exam from Kalikot and he wanted to go Kathmandu for higher education. But his parents were old and alone. So, they didn’t want to send him Kathmandu. It is too far to go Kathmandu from Kalikot. At last, he went to Kathmandu by leaving his old father and mother in the village.

His parents were working hard to send him money for his study. After around there years, his father fell sick seriously. His mother brought him to the hospital. His condition was very critical. Brishbahadur and his sister Parvati came to visit their father. After some days, he (his best father) died. He couldn’t do anything.

Personal View: Actually, I didn’t like Brishbahadur of this book because he is not responsible and loyal to his family. His parents worked hard for his study but he didn’t read hard. When he was a child, he caused many problems to his parents even he destroyed their small house by putting fire. When he passed his SLC, he desired to go to Kathmandu which is very far away from Kalikot. His parents asked him to go Surkhet but he denied and he went. That reflects that he was not sincere to his family. So, I didn’t like him.

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