Meaning and Indicators of Economic Development, Class 11, Nepal

Meaning and Indicators of Economic Development, Class 11, Nepal

1. What are the characteristics of underdeveloped countries? Ans:       The main characteristics of underdeveloped countries are as follows:- 1. Economic characteristics:- 2. Demographic characteristics:- 3. Socio-cultural characteristics:- 4. High dependence on agriculture:- 2. Explain the indicators of economic development. Ans:     some popular and common indicators of economic development are briefly are following:- 1. Per Capita…

Overview of The Nepalese Economy, Class 11, Nepal

Overview of The Nepalese Economy, Class 11, Nepal

1. Describe the importance of foreign employment in the Nepalese economy. Ans:            Nepalese economy includes labor migration, foreign employment, and remittance. They play a big role in the development of Nepal. Some of the major importance are as follows:- Due to inflow in remittance, there is an increase in the consumption of basic goods, luxury…

Scarcity Definition, Class 11, Nepal

Scarcity Definition, Class 11, Nepal

Definition Part:- Modern Economist Lionel Robbins had given the scarcity definition of economics. He was a British scholar and professor of Economics at the ‘London School of Economics’. He published his book ‘An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economics Sciences’ in 1932 A.D. and defined Economics as the science of Scarcity and Choice. Everyone considers…

Welfare Definition, Class 11, Nepal

Welfare Definition, Class 11, Nepal

Definition Part:- Neo-classical Economist Alfred Marshal had defined the welfare definition in 1890 A.D. He was a scholar of British and professor at Cambridge University. He published the famous book ‘Principles of Economics’ and defined economics as a science of material welfare. According to Alfred Marshal, Economics is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of…

Industry, Class 11, Nepal

Industry, Class 11, Nepal

1. Describe the importance of the cottage industry in Nepal. Ans:             Cottage and small scale industries play a vital role in the process of economic development of a developing country like Nepal. The main importance of cottage industries are as follows:- Cottage industries produce goods depicting or reflecting local arts, skills, and cultures which can…

Agriculture, Class 11, Nepal

Agriculture, Class 11, Nepal

1. What are the problems of Nepalese agriculture? Ans:            Though agriculture regarded as the backbone of the Nepalese economy, it is still in an underdeveloped situation.  Some of the major problems in agriculture of Nepal are as follows:- Agro products need physical infrastructures like roads, irrigation facilities, equipment, warehouses, market centers, etc to increase the…