‘The Girl In Room 105’ is one of the best-selling books written by the popular Indian author Chetan Bhagat. It was originally published in 2018. In this book, he has written about a love story between a Muslim girl from Kashmir and a Rajasthani boy from Delhi. It is explained in a detective way.

The main characters of this novel are Keshav, Shaurav, Jara Lone, Raghu, etc. At the beginning of this novel, Keshav and Shaurav, who are best friends, were drinking alcohol. Keshav was calling her ex-girlfriend Jara Lone who has a new boyfriend Raghu now. She ignored his call. It has been five years after their break-up. But Keshav still loves Jara.

Keshav kept her calling continuously. And she picked up the phone but she scolded him badly. His friend Shaurav suggested him to forget this woman, but he was unable to forget her though he was trying.

It was the day of Jara’ s birthday. On every birthday of Jara, Keshav used to wish her even after their break-up. Even this time, he was thinking of wishing Jara, but he was controlling. He was busy in drinking with his friend. Around 1:45 am Jara herself messaged him as a reminder for wish to her. She called him in her hostel room 105 as she used to in the past. Although there was not allowed any male person inside the hostel, they went there and entered in Jara’s room by climbing a mango tree.

Unfortunately, they find her dead. They become scared. So, they call her parents, her boyfriend Raghu and the police. They also call the watchman. After they arrive, Keshav tells all that what happened. However, they suspect them as the murderer and give the order to live with the police. After some investigation, they find that there was a misunderstanding between the watchman and Jara. Then they arrest him and let Saurav and Keshav go their home.

Keshav’s father was the PM of RSS in Delhi. Saurav and Keshav were tutoring students in the tuition centre. But they were tired of their job. Jara’s father was also a popular businessman. She had a stepmother and stepbrother Sikandar in Kashmir, but they were living separately. Jara, Raghu, and Keshav were from the same batch of engineering. Keshav was the last, but Raghu was the topper of their batch. Raghu was running his own business.

Keshav was the first lover of Jara. They were going to marry but Jara was Muslim and Keshav was Rajasthani. That is why they couldn’t marry. So, they had to breakup.

Jara’s murder case is closed down. Watchman is declared as the murderer of Jara in all media. However, Keshav was unsatisfied with this decision. So, he started to investigate about watchman, but they found out that he was innocent. Then, they started to investigate the real killer of Jara.

Raghu sends an email to Keshav that was from Jara to him. This email was about their professor Saxena. According to email, professor Saxena used to behave with Jara uncomfortably. After reading such message, they went to professor Saxena’s office, but he ignores them because he was the professor of that IIT college. So, they went to professor’s home and showed the email to his wife. Then she also agreed with them. They found out that he is not the real killer.

Then they thought that it might be an honour killing. Then they went to Jara’s home. They asked many questions, but it wasn’t also the honour killing. They found out something about Jara and Sikandar. They found an expensive earing, photo of Jara and Sikandar, some pregnancy files, etc in Jara’s room. They took photos of them.

Jara’s father gave them the phone number of Sikandar. They called Sikandar for a meeting. They met but Sikandar threatened them with a gun and left without talking. So, they went Kashmir to talk to Sikandar again. They met him and talked about Jara, but he felt dizzy. So, they planned to meet another day. They went to meet him but this time, they found him dead. They knew that Sikandar was also not the killer.

There were many obstacles during investigation process, but they didn’t give up. They were investigating continuously about Jara’s case. They asked about the earing of Jara in many shops in Kashmir. They found that that earing was bought by an Army Officer ‘Faiz’ which costs 380000. Then they met Faiz and asked about Jara. He said that he is the family relative to Jara. They suspected their relationship because he had given an expensive earing to Jara. Even after their meeting, they planned to go to Faiz home. His family used to live in the army quarter in Delhi, but they were in Dubai at that time as he said. They came back from Kashmir and went to his home by using many tricks and ideas. They found some pregnancy files which were the same as Jara’s. They also found some photos of Jara and Faiz. Then they showed all about their shreds of evidence to Jara’s father.

According to Keshav’s plan, Jara’s father organized a meeting of all well-wishers and prayers of Jara. As their plan, all Faiz, Raghu, relatives, and Jara’s friends came there. After giving sympathy, they started to talk about Jara’s case, but Raghu immediately intended to leave. Then they suspected him. They stopped Raghu and asked to tell everything. At last, he is forced to tell everything about the relationship between him and Jara. He also told that he had known about Jara’s affair with Faiz.

Finally, they found the real murderer of Jara. Keshav had already called the police. They arrested the Raghu.

At last, they became very happy with their successful investigation. Then, they got rid their job which they didn’t like because one of the investigation centres of Delhi offered them the job of a detective. Keshav went to Jara’s graveyard with her favourite white flowers and prayed for her soul.

Finally, Keshav and Shaurav were preparing date with other girls.

This novel teaches us to never give up and the fact that crime can never be hidden for long time. ☺

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