THE ALCHEMIST is a novel written by a popular Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho. It is one of the best seller books of Paulo Coelho. It is an inspirational and wonderful book. Paulo Coelho has written about the travel of a boy from Spain to Egypt who was looking for his destiny. It is also related to mystery, spirit, and nature.

The boy’s name is Santiago who lives in Spain. His hobby is to read books and travel all around the world. He was curious about travel from his young age. Once a time, his father had told that only shepherd can travel the world. That’s why he became the shepherd of sheep. He thought that his parents are like his sheep whose purpose is just to drink water and eat food, but he wanted to do extra from his parents.

When he became a youth, he started to travel with the flock of sheep. He arrived with his sheep at an old and ruined church. There was a big Sycamore tree beside the church. It was going to be dark. So, he decided to sleep under the Sycamore tree. He dreamed the same dream which he had dreamed twice before.

He got up with the sunrise and started his journey. On the way, he reached in Tarifa where he went to the Gypsy woman to interpret his dream. He told about his dream that the treasure is in Pyramids of Egypt. Then, she told him that he should go to Egypt to get his treasure.

On the way, he met the king of Salem. The king was very old. Although he was a stranger, he inspired Santiago to reach his destiny. The king told him about omens, and he gave two magical stones by saying that it might help him. Santiago again continued his journey.

He sold his flock of sheep and went to Africa. In that strange place a thief looted all his money. So, he worked at a Crystal shop for one year to earn money. Then, he continued his journey. He met Fatima. They started to love each other. Santiago thought that Fatima is valuable than his treasure, but Fatima encouraged him for his destiny.

He met an Englishman who was looking for a meeting with the Alchemist. But he was unable to meet Alchemist. Fortunately, Santiago meets Alchemist who had a philosopher stone which can convert metal into gold and Elixir of life which can cure all people’s illness. The Alchemist also helped him to get his treasure (to reach Pyramids of Egypt).

He was following omens which the king told him. There were many difficult problems and challenges on the way of the desert because of the war of tribesmen. He knew the language of the world. So, he became able to talk with desert, wind, and sun. They also helped him. He found that the soul of God is his own soul in his journey.

Finally, he reached the Pyramids of Egypt. The beautiful scene of Pyramids amazed him. He started to dig up the ground in front of Pyramids’. Although there was no sign of treasure, he was digging the desert continuously. Suddenly, some figures came and beat him very badly. They took his gold from his bag. One of them told that treasure is in Spain.

It was the place where he had dreamed of his treasure. Then, he became very happy by knowing that he was near his treasure.

It is one of the best book that I read. This book teaches us many important things which we should follow for our happy and successful life. This book includes many important quotes. My best quotes are as follows;-

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve; the fear of failure.

Your eyes show the strength of your soul.

When you want something all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it

It’s this; that a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.

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