It is a wonderful novel which is written by the popular writer Parijat(Bishnukumari Waiba). She has written about herself in this novel. It is an inspirational and psychological story of the writer when she was young.

This is one of my favorite books that I have read. It clearly shows the lifestyle of Nepalese people who are living in foreign countries and the struggle of great persons like Parijat who had done very hard labor to tackle every difficult situation and problems on the way of getting success. There are many Nepalese people are living in Darjiling which is one of the places in India; so as the family of the writer was also in Darjiling.

Her mother had died when she was very young. Her elder sisters were married already except Sukanya. So they were only four members in the family with her father and a brother.

Her father was totally different from others. Though he used to work as a homeopathic doctor, there were many financial problems. There was no religion and culture in their family. K.S. Lama(her father) had forbidden to dance, sing, etc. However, he used to tell the different stories about World War II and related leaders like Hitler. And they used to also read different types of books.

Sukanya(her sister) was very talented in the study. She was also the talent to talk with other people and she was friendly as well. So, all people used to like her. But the writer was totally different from other children since her childhood. She used to be always serious and thinking. She used to sit alone on the lap of Juniper, Pine, and Rhododendron(Dhupia, Salla Ra Laligurashko Fedma) and imagine many things in her brain.

She was also self-contained and pensive. She used to love nature and play with the magical beauties of nature. She used to enjoy nature. She wasn’t friendly with her friends. Although she wanted to be popular and friendly like her sister Sukanya and others, her nature was totally different. She had a problem that she was unable to express her feelings, emotions, imagines, creations, etc with others.

She used to be sick frequently from her childhood. Her father used to try to make her healthy with his own technics and principles. Her brother was also talented at study but he started to focus on other things rather than study. So, his result was being decreased. He used to ask her sister (Parijat) to write poems and stories but unfortunately he died while swimming.

After then, her family became more disturbed. Her father started to live with her brother( uncle’s son) in Nepal. However, the writer’s imagination power was increasing.

After sometime, the writer also came Nepal with her brother to start her new journey. And now, she is the most popular and great author of Nepal as well as of the world.

I suggest you read this book if you want to know about the life and thoughts of a great person. I am pretty sure that you will be inspired by this book and you will love it.

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