Men have also period but their period is psychological whereas women’s period is physical.

The women have to keep the above reactions and create such grace and beauty around herself that man will have to create also a more beautiful individuality, a more graceful character. And their meeting should not be any more of marriage; their meeting should be only of friends- a friendliness, not even friendship.

And to destroy a woman by making her a prostitute is the ugliest murder you can do.

And because the man wanted to prove himself superior…… Remember, whenever you want to prove something that means you are not that thing.

Strength has many dimensions. Love has its own strength. For example, to carry a child in the womb for nine months need strength, stamina, love. No man could manage it.

Astronauts and Edmund Hillary…..these people should first try to bring up children. Then only can we accept that they have done something by going to Everest; otherwise it is pointless.

Love, trust, beauty, sincerity, truthfulness, authenticity- these are all feminine qualities, and they are far greater than any qualities than man has.

The people who care about tomorrow are the people who don’t have today, who are miserable right now and try to hide it, try to ignore it in the hope, in the desire, in the dream for tomorrow, But tomorrow never comes.

A woman is hurting in the deepest core of her being. No man knows the depth pain can go into you and destroy your destiny, your pride, your very humanity.

If you can’t trust yourself, who is going to trust you?

If you can’t love yourself, who is going to love you?

If you can’t be a friend to yourself, who is going to be a friend to you?

This book is one of my favorite books that I have read. I think I got many bits of knowledge about my life and existence. So, if you read this book, you will find a far different than other fiction books. This book only talks about natural and real. This book also contains many stories of human existence that make it more interesting to read.

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